Feb 15, 2021
Join Nick Lamagna on The A Game Podcast with guest, Jason Palliser, an off market real estate investment acquisitions specialist and founder of The 2 Day Investment Blueprint and REI Blackbook
Jason has been hired by many hedge funds to acquire multiple properties in a city within a short timeframe. He has rised to the occasion and branched out to teach his system to over 22,000 individual investors in over 140 cities in America. He created and sold the REI Blackbook. He discusses some creative ways from him 30+ creative marketing strategies to beat your competition to your leads and separate yourself from the pack!
By the end of this episode you will learn once again the importance of data being gold and why it is a genius move to be the person controlling the data! You will find some tips to going deeper in your market to get responses from desired leads We talk about the mindset of investing in major markets, KPI's and some free ways to market on a limited budget!
As always sponsored by Naked Warrior Recovery!
You can find Jason Palliser on:
Website: https://www.2dayblueprint.com/home22767446
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonpalliser
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasonpalliser/?hl=en
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