Jun 28, 2021
Join Nick Lamagna on The A Game Podcast with guest Dave Seymour, from the A&E Show Flipping Boston! Dave is a former firefighter and seasoned successful real estate investor with a personality to match his large accomplishments! Dave has been featured on CBS, ABC, CNBC, FOX News, CNN & more and has spoken on stages all across the country sharing his experience and knowledge with investors.
Dave is now CEO of Freedom Venture and all in on multifamily commercial real estate assets! They have a team of A-Players raising capital and acquiring cash flowing assets in multiple states. Dave has a great sense of humor, strong work ethic and is one of the most relatable guys out there. You will be sure to pick up some great value and a few laughs, full episode of The A Game Podcast: Real Estate Investing For Entrepreneurs with Nick Lamagna available on all platforms!
Topics In This Episode Include:
✅ How REAL is Reality TV about Real Estate!?
✅ Investing in Real Estate with no experience or no money
✅ How he was casted on A&E’s Flipping Boston & the pro’s and cons TV brings.
✅ Overcoming addiction, divorce and debt
✅ Staying profitable in today’s competitive Real Estate market
✅ Underwriting multifamily properties Deal or No Deal ?
✅ How to control fear and take action
✅ Lessons for new Multifamily investors ➡️ And More!
See show notes for all the ways to connect with Dave and make sure to contact Nick to start doing some real estate deals together!
Don't forget to be inspired with deliciousness when you follow @Jacqofallcakes on Instagram! Prepared to be impressed and definitely consider her for cakes to celebrate all occasions!
Connect with Dave:
Connect with Nick Lamagna
☎️ 630.384.9443
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